Non-prescription body cream that is thermoactive (hot), containing fast acting and effective ingredients that generate heat, necessary for the mobilization and elimination of excess body fat. THE AMERICAN HOT cream penetrating heat produces an internal effect in the body that causes the breakdown of fat. Thremo-Lipo Gel produces a prolonged body heat effect that lasts for several hours after its application.
Use at night in areas of excessive body fat accumulation: abdomen, hips, waist, back, arms, etc. It is important to apply the cream with a slight massage to the area covered, until the cream is absorbed completely. Do NOT apply to bust, neck or any other area with sensible skin.
CRYO FIRMING GEL is a non-prescription body cream that contains fast acting and effective ingredients that works by targeting fat cells (adiposity) with intense cold (ice therapy). CRYO FIRMING GEL stimulates receivers inside the fat cells of the desired areas which are sensitive to low temperatures. American Cold Gel is an alternative treatment to cold bandages. It's easy to apply, 100% natural, it penetrates the skin due to the composition granular elements, CRYO FIRMING GEL does not cause secondary effects and it is safe to use, it can be applied to attack specific areas where there is an excess of fat.
Directions: Apply cold gel in the mornings, after a shower or bath, in areas of excessive body fat accumulation: abdomen, hips, waist, back, arms, etc., to tone and firm your skin. The gel leaves a sensation of freshness and cold, it is normal and it will gradually disappear. Leave it to dry for several minutes. Once dry, dress normally. DO NOT apply to bust, neck or any other area with sensible skin.
Can also be applied daily for 1 hour with osmotic wrap